My trip to Colorado was by train from Cleveland to Chicago to Denver. Then by car I saw the state from as far north as Fort Collins, all the way down to the 4-corners. What follows is a photo essay (my FIRST photo essay!!) of this journey which happened back in 2008. The pictures were taken with my first camera and with no real camera experience yet, I hadn’t learned about sensitivity settings or focus or anything. You may notice some blurs and other faults.
PLEASE NOTE:These pictures will take a moment to fully load, please be patient, they are from 2008 and were taken with a different camera than all my current photos.
This was when the Mississippi River flooded in 2008 and caused massive damage to countless farms and miles upon miles of rural land and homes.Nebraska… Not much to see from the trains view…The Swetsville Zoo
The band of the Zoo performing!
Approaching the Rocky Mountains!
Once you hit about 10,500′ elevation up into the Rocky Mountains you start to get some excellent views!
A lot of Colorado still has that “Wild West” feel.
Gotta love those clouds!
Appraoching the Sand Dunes of Colorado.
Water running over sand = cool visuals!
Really gives you that feeling that you’re in the middle of the desert!Crystal clear water passing over the sand.
Another great overlooking view!
Most of the others ran off, but this furry little guy loved the attention!I believe this was in or around Wolf Creek Pass, CO. Elevation was over 11,000′.
Watching another sunset.
Is that a castle? Nope! Shiprock!
The road leading us through the slight turns and hills as we entered the desert.The exact spot at the 4 corners where Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico meet!Yes, I did the whole touristy thing of saying “Hey! I’m in 4 places at once!”. Trust me, once you’re there it’s hard to resist saying this overly cheesy and predictable line!
Absolutely amazing views in the desert!
Starting my way into the Mesa Verde tour. The tour guide said “Don’t worry, only one person has fallen during the tour…. And it happened to be a tour guide.”
Visiting the housings of Mesa Verde requires you to overcome some height and ladder fears.A view looking out from the mountain housings of Mesa Verde.
The native mountain housings at Mesa Verde.A valley going through the mountains of Mesa Verde.Red rock hiding behind pine trees.
Another one of my favorite views was the lush plains presenting up to the beautiful colored mountains.More plains and colored mountains!One of my personal favorite shots, the colors were amazing!
This is the last mountain picture, I promise!!The cool little skiing town of Telluride!This was a rather odd area, beautiful mountains and plant life surrounded by a lake, but no sign of human life.The Garden Of The Gods; this place was amazing, spikes of red rock coming up through the earth. There also happened to be a thunderstorm rolling in at the time and the thunder echoed between the rocks causing an amazing echo effect!
A random little peculiar forest area in the Garden Of The Gods.
Shot of downtown Denver from Union Station right before leaving.
That’s it! I’ll be uploading more pictures onto my Trover profile and some onto my Instagram.